

This application is made for the convenience of farmers ofIn which 7/12 8A includes information related to land and various information useful to farmers.Lets understand the information given in our application in detail-Rural land information including documents like 7/12 8A 6 no. whose information is available-Urban land and property related information-Information about government schemes related to farmers-Complete information on each crop from sowing to harvesting -Video information related to agriculture, animal husbandry,Disclaimer:* This APP is NOT associated, affiliated, endorsed, sponsored or approved by 7/12 Gujarat Farmer Education.* This is not the Official App of Gujarat Govt. This App is designed to provide useful information and contents only. The contents of the App is not belong to the Developer and the developer is no way concerned with contents of the App.* This app is purely based upon the information provided by the Gujarat Government only and the developer do not represent the Govt entity.the Apps. Source of Information :1. https://anyror.gujarat.gov.in/LandRecordRural.aspx 2. https://anyror.gujarat.gov.in/emilkat/GeneralReport_IDB.aspx 3. https://ikhedut.gujarat.gov.in/Public/frm_Public_Contacts.aspx 4. https://mausam.imd.gov.in/imd_latest/contents/satellite.php 5. https://ikhedut.gujarat.gov.in/iKhedutPublicScheme/ 6.https://ikhedut.gujarat.gov.in/Scheme/frm_SchemeApplicationStatus.aspxthis application simplified for user.Any Other Information Please Contact : [email protected]